Assembly code snippets
This is an overview of all sorts of assembly code snippets that were contributed by many people. On the previous website there was a snippet library where users could create an account and post code snippets. Because this library has hardly been active over the last years the current website does not have this functionality anymore. However, because the snippets may still be of use the complete list is available here for viewing.
3D Programming
- Matrix Transform of Vector (MMX) - bitRAKE
Data parsing
- RegWriteStr - QvasiModo
- RegWrite - QvasiModo
- RegReadStr - QvasiModo
- RegRead - QvasiModo
- Tokenizer - stryker
- Hexadecimal String to DWORD (MMX) - bitRAKE
- ASCII to DWORD (2) - The Svin
Floating point
- power of X - The Svin
- Angle from delta values - Thomas
- Inline FP Constants (macro) - bitRAKE
- NonUniformAverages - bitRAKE
- Buffer Alignment Calculator - TDCNL
- GetFeaturesFlags - QvasiModo
- Exists - QvasiModo
- Day of Week - lingo12
- Extract File from Resources - Pone
- DecToBin - Sloat
- MP3 information [bitrate/time/...] - Thomas
- OneZeroMany flags case - The Svin
- WinIO prototypes - Thomas
- DoY (Day of Year) - micmic
- GetLastError Handling - Dracon
- 64 bit to dec ASCIIZ - 2 with MMX - The Svin
- 64 bit to deciamal ASCIIZ with MMX - The Svin
- Unsigned 64bit interger to dec ASCIIZ without MMX - The Svin
- Block multiple instances - smurf
- Re-ordering taskbar items - Thomas
- Centering a Window on the Screen - Iczelion
- Composite blend (AlphaBlend API replacement) (MMX) - bitRAKE
- Pre-multply bitmap with alpha channel - bitRAKE
- Packing and Unpacking a TTF font into your program for GDI use. - NaN
- Fast Alpha Blend (MMX) - bitRAKE
- Blend bitmap block - Thomas
- Getting the DC from a Bitmap - JimmyClif
- Creating DC's to paint on - JimmyClif
- Resampling 1/2x - Thomas
MASM Macros
- .switch / .case / .endswitch - QvasiModo
- $RGB - QvasiModo
- sz (macro) - QvasiModo
- incl - QvasiModo
- incls - QvasiModo
- Measure size of a code piece - Thomas
- IPADDR & PORTNR macros - Thomas
- Inline MMX Constants - bitRAKE
- Jump Table Assistant - bitRAKE
- Static Buffer - bitRAKE
- MakeArray - bitRAKE
- Fibonacci Numbers (macro nesting) - bitRAKE
- Switch / Case - bitRAKE
- Killing a TCP connection - Thomas
- IPADDR & PORTNR macros - Thomas
Searching & sorting
- IsExtensionInList - QvasiModo
- wsprintf_sci - scientica
- Multi String Replace - Qages
- hex ASCIIZ string to dword - The Svin
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt String Search Algorithm - stryker
- Set comma delimiter in decimal strings - The Svin
- Insert String using MMX - The Svin
- Long string length - The Svin
User Interface
- New CenterWindow - Joshua
- New CenterControl - Joshua
- GetWinVer - dickhead
- BlitWindow - QvasiModo
- CenterControl - QvasiModo
- IsMenuRadioItemChecked - QvasiModo
- IsMenuItemChecked - QvasiModo
- CenterWindow - QvasiModo
- AddTreeItems - QvasiModo
- Refresh Desktop All Items - aweX
- CenterWindow - stryker
- CenterScreen - stryker
- Using the MouseWheel - NaN
- Read only Editbox / white background / no caret - smurf
- Making a Spin Control - NaN
- Tooltips colors procedure - smurf
- Checkboxes in a listview control - Thomas
- Check if windows - fields are filled - The Svin
- Subclassed Edit for Float input - The Svin
- Flat listview header - smurf
- Restricting window size - Thomas