Assembly code snippets
Title | CenterControl |
Author | QvasiModo |
Submitted by: | QvasiModo |
Date added: | 2003-07-23 19:07:12 |
Date modified: | 2003-07-23 19:07:12 |
Centers a child window (control) relative to it's parent window.
Centra una ventana hija (control) en relación a su ventana padre.
; CenterControl
; by QvasiModo
; Centers a child window (control) relative to it's parent window.
; Centra una ventana hija (control) en relación a su ventana padre.
CenterWindow proto :dword
CenterControl proc hwnd:dword
local rect:RECT
local rect2:RECT
invoke GetWindowRect,hwnd,addr rect
invoke GetParent,hwnd
lea edx,rect
push edx
push eax
lea edx,rect.right
push edx
push eax
lea edx,rect2
invoke GetClientRect,eax,edx
call ScreenToClient
call ScreenToClient
mov eax,rect.right
mov edx,rect.bottom
sub eax,rect.left
sub edx,
push 1 ;MW
push edx ;MW
push eax ;MW
neg eax
neg edx
add eax,rect2.right
add edx,rect2.bottom
sar eax,1
sar edx,1
push edx ;MW
push eax ;MW
push hwnd ;MW
call MoveWindow
CenterControl endp
; by QvasiModo
; Centers a child window (control) relative to it's parent window.
; Centra una ventana hija (control) en relación a su ventana padre.
CenterWindow proto :dword
CenterControl proc hwnd:dword
local rect:RECT
local rect2:RECT
invoke GetWindowRect,hwnd,addr rect
invoke GetParent,hwnd
lea edx,rect
push edx
push eax
lea edx,rect.right
push edx
push eax
lea edx,rect2
invoke GetClientRect,eax,edx
call ScreenToClient
call ScreenToClient
mov eax,rect.right
mov edx,rect.bottom
sub eax,rect.left
sub edx,
push 1 ;MW
push edx ;MW
push eax ;MW
neg eax
neg edx
add eax,rect2.right
add edx,rect2.bottom
sar eax,1
sar edx,1
push edx ;MW
push eax ;MW
push hwnd ;MW
call MoveWindow
CenterControl endp