Assembly code snippets
Title | AddTreeItems |
Author | QvasiModo |
Submitted by: | QvasiModo |
Date added: | 2003-06-26 02:33:06 |
Date modified: | 2003-06-26 02:33:06 |
Adds a group of items to a tree-view control in a single call
As an opcion you can use pointers to a handle instead of an actual handle in hParent and hInsertAfter
It needs read and write access to the memory block pointed to by pitems
invoke AddTreeItems,
{window handle to tree-view control},
{pointer to array of TV_INSERTSTRUCT stucts},
{number of items in array}
; AddTreeItems
; by QvasiModo
; Adds a group of items to a tree-view control in a single call
; As an opcion you can use pointers to a handle instead of an actual handle in hParent and hInsertAfter
; It needs read and write access to the memory block pointed to by pitems
; invoke AddTreeItems,
; {window handle to tree-view control},
; {pointer to array of TV_INSERTSTRUCT stucts},
; {number of items in array}
; Agrega un grupo de Ãtems a un control tree-view de a varios en una sola llamada
; Opcionalmente en hParent y hInsertAfter acepta punteros al handle en vez del handle
; Necesita acceso de lectura y escritura a la memoria apuntada por pitems
; invoke AddTreeItems,
; {handle de ventana al control tree-view},
; {puntero a un array de estructuras TV_INSERTSTRUCT},
; {número de Ãtems en el array}
; Example / Ejemplo:
; Warning: your have to use TV_ITEM or TV_ITEMEX depending on how TV_INSERTITEM is defined in your copy of WINDOWS.INC
; Atención: hay que usar TV_ITEM o TV_ITEMEX dependiendo de cómo está definido TV_INSERTITEM en tu copia de WINDOWS.INC
; .const
; szitemtext1 db "Item Text 1",0 ; |-Item 1
; szitemtext2 db "Item Text 2",0 ; | |-Item 2
; szitemtext3 db "Item Text 3",0 ; | | \-Item 3
; szitemtext4 db "Item Text 4",0 ; | | \-Item 4
; szitemtext5 db "Item Text 5",0 ; | \-Item 5
; szitemtext6 db "Item Text 6",0 ; \-Item 6
; .data
; myitems label TV_INSERTSTRUCT
; item1 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext1,0,0,0,1,0>
; dd offset item1.hItem,TVI_LAST
; item2 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext2,0,0,0,1,0>
; dd offset item2.hItem,TVI_LAST
; item3 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext3,0,0,0,1,0>
; dd offset item3.hItem,TVI_LAST
; item4 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext4,0,0,0,0,0>
; dd offset item1.hItem,TVI_LAST
; item5 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext5,0,0,0,0,0>
; item6 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext6,0,0,0,0,0>
; number_of_items equ ($ - offset myitems) / sizeof TV_INSERTSTRUCT
; .code
; invoke GetDlgItem,hDlg,IDC_LIST1 ;or whatever your tree-view ID is
; invoke AddTreeItems,eax,offset myitems,number_of_items
AddTreeItems proto :dword,:dword,:dword
AddTreeItems proc uses ebx hwnd:dword,pitems:dword,dwnum:dword
mov ebx,pitems
assume ebx:ptr TV_INSERTSTRUCT
mov eax,[ebx].hParent
push eax
mov edx,eax
shr edx,16
.if ! zero?
inc dx
.if ! zero?
m2m [ebx].hParent,dword ptr [eax]
mov eax,[ebx].hInsertAfter
push eax
mov edx,eax
shr edx,16
.if ! zero?
inc dx
.if ! zero?
m2m [ebx].hInsertAfter,dword ptr [eax]
and [ebx].item._mask,not TVIF_HANDLE
invoke SendMessage,hwnd,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,ebx
pop [ebx].hInsertAfter
pop [ebx].hParent
.break .if eax == 0
mov [ebx].item.hItem,eax
or [ebx].item._mask,TVIF_HANDLE
add ebx,sizeof TV_INSERTSTRUCT
dec dwnum
.until zero?
mov eax,ebx
assume ebx:nothing
AddTreeItems endp
; by QvasiModo
; Adds a group of items to a tree-view control in a single call
; As an opcion you can use pointers to a handle instead of an actual handle in hParent and hInsertAfter
; It needs read and write access to the memory block pointed to by pitems
; invoke AddTreeItems,
; {window handle to tree-view control},
; {pointer to array of TV_INSERTSTRUCT stucts},
; {number of items in array}
; Agrega un grupo de Ãtems a un control tree-view de a varios en una sola llamada
; Opcionalmente en hParent y hInsertAfter acepta punteros al handle en vez del handle
; Necesita acceso de lectura y escritura a la memoria apuntada por pitems
; invoke AddTreeItems,
; {handle de ventana al control tree-view},
; {puntero a un array de estructuras TV_INSERTSTRUCT},
; {número de Ãtems en el array}
; Example / Ejemplo:
; Warning: your have to use TV_ITEM or TV_ITEMEX depending on how TV_INSERTITEM is defined in your copy of WINDOWS.INC
; Atención: hay que usar TV_ITEM o TV_ITEMEX dependiendo de cómo está definido TV_INSERTITEM en tu copia de WINDOWS.INC
; .const
; szitemtext1 db "Item Text 1",0 ; |-Item 1
; szitemtext2 db "Item Text 2",0 ; | |-Item 2
; szitemtext3 db "Item Text 3",0 ; | | \-Item 3
; szitemtext4 db "Item Text 4",0 ; | | \-Item 4
; szitemtext5 db "Item Text 5",0 ; | \-Item 5
; szitemtext6 db "Item Text 6",0 ; \-Item 6
; .data
; myitems label TV_INSERTSTRUCT
; item1 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext1,0,0,0,1,0>
; dd offset item1.hItem,TVI_LAST
; item2 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext2,0,0,0,1,0>
; dd offset item2.hItem,TVI_LAST
; item3 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext3,0,0,0,1,0>
; dd offset item3.hItem,TVI_LAST
; item4 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext4,0,0,0,0,0>
; dd offset item1.hItem,TVI_LAST
; item5 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext5,0,0,0,0,0>
; item6 TV_ITEMEX <TVIF_CHILDREN or TVIF_TEXT,0,0,0,offset szitemtext6,0,0,0,0,0>
; number_of_items equ ($ - offset myitems) / sizeof TV_INSERTSTRUCT
; .code
; invoke GetDlgItem,hDlg,IDC_LIST1 ;or whatever your tree-view ID is
; invoke AddTreeItems,eax,offset myitems,number_of_items
AddTreeItems proto :dword,:dword,:dword
AddTreeItems proc uses ebx hwnd:dword,pitems:dword,dwnum:dword
mov ebx,pitems
assume ebx:ptr TV_INSERTSTRUCT
mov eax,[ebx].hParent
push eax
mov edx,eax
shr edx,16
.if ! zero?
inc dx
.if ! zero?
m2m [ebx].hParent,dword ptr [eax]
mov eax,[ebx].hInsertAfter
push eax
mov edx,eax
shr edx,16
.if ! zero?
inc dx
.if ! zero?
m2m [ebx].hInsertAfter,dword ptr [eax]
and [ebx].item._mask,not TVIF_HANDLE
invoke SendMessage,hwnd,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,ebx
pop [ebx].hInsertAfter
pop [ebx].hParent
.break .if eax == 0
mov [ebx].item.hItem,eax
or [ebx].item._mask,TVIF_HANDLE
add ebx,sizeof TV_INSERTSTRUCT
dec dwnum
.until zero?
mov eax,ebx
assume ebx:nothing
AddTreeItems endp