Assembly code snippets
Title | Getting the DC from a Bitmap |
Author | JimmyClif |
Submitted by: | JimmyClif |
Date added: | 2002-02-17 18:17:27 |
Date modified: | 2002-02-17 18:17:27 |
This is used to create DC's for Bitmaps. Just pass :
BitmapDC an empty dword - which will receive the DC you'll be working with later on.
NameOfBitmap - the name of the Bitmap to take into the DC.
HandleOfBitmap - an empty dword which will receive the handle of the Bitmap.
Do not forget to DeleteDC and DeleteObject for the created Handle and DC at program exit.
; GetBitmapDC
; Usage:
; invoke GetBitmapDC, ADDR BitmapDC, ADDR NameOfBitmap, ADDR hBitmap, hwnd
GetBitmapDC proc AnotherDC:DWORD, BitmapADDR:DWORD,HandleOfBitmap:DWORD, hwnd:DWORD
invoke GetDC,hwnd
push eax ;1 push DC for release later
invoke CreateCompatibleDC,eax
mov edx,AnotherDC
push eax ;2 push DC for SelectObject
mov [edx],eax
invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,BitmapADDR
mov edx,HandleOfBitmap
pop ecx ;2 pop Created DC
mov [edx],eax
invoke SelectObject,ecx,eax
pop eax ;1 pop DC to release
invoke ReleaseDC,hwnd,eax
GetBitmapDC endp
; GetBitmapDC
; Usage:
; invoke GetBitmapDC, ADDR BitmapDC, ADDR NameOfBitmap, ADDR hBitmap, hwnd
GetBitmapDC proc AnotherDC:DWORD, BitmapADDR:DWORD,HandleOfBitmap:DWORD, hwnd:DWORD
invoke GetDC,hwnd
push eax ;1 push DC for release later
invoke CreateCompatibleDC,eax
mov edx,AnotherDC
push eax ;2 push DC for SelectObject
mov [edx],eax
invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,BitmapADDR
mov edx,HandleOfBitmap
pop ecx ;2 pop Created DC
mov [edx],eax
invoke SelectObject,ecx,eax
pop eax ;1 pop DC to release
invoke ReleaseDC,hwnd,eax
GetBitmapDC endp