Assembly code snippets
Title | Creating DC's to paint on |
Author | JimmyClif |
Submitted by: | JimmyClif |
Date added: | 2002-02-17 18:11:42 |
Date modified: | 2002-02-17 18:18:39 |
This little function is used to create DC for BackBuffers, Images and so on.
All there is to do is pass 2 dwords which will hold the DC (the one you'll be painting on)
and the handleDC which both need to be deleted at program exit (with DeleteDC and DeleteObject)
; GetCompatibleBitmap
; Usage:
; invoke GetCompatibleDC, ADDR ImageDC, ADDR hImageDC, hwnd, 500, 300
GetCompatibleBitmap proc AnotherDC:DWORD, HandleOfDC:DWORD, hwnd:DWORD, xLenght:DWORD, yWidth:DWORD
invoke CreateCompatibleDC,NULL
mov edx,AnotherDC
push eax
mov [edx],eax
invoke GetDC,hwnd
push eax
invoke CreateCompatibleBitmap,eax,xLenght,yWidth
mov edx,HandleOfDC
mov ecx,[esp] ;pop ecx
mov [esp],eax ;push eax
mov [edx],eax
invoke ReleaseDC,hwnd,ecx
pop eax ;HandleOfDC
pop ecx ;AnotherDC
invoke SelectObject,ecx,eax
GetCompatibleBitmap endp
; GetCompatibleBitmap
; Usage:
; invoke GetCompatibleDC, ADDR ImageDC, ADDR hImageDC, hwnd, 500, 300
GetCompatibleBitmap proc AnotherDC:DWORD, HandleOfDC:DWORD, hwnd:DWORD, xLenght:DWORD, yWidth:DWORD
invoke CreateCompatibleDC,NULL
mov edx,AnotherDC
push eax
mov [edx],eax
invoke GetDC,hwnd
push eax
invoke CreateCompatibleBitmap,eax,xLenght,yWidth
mov edx,HandleOfDC
mov ecx,[esp] ;pop ecx
mov [esp],eax ;push eax
mov [edx],eax
invoke ReleaseDC,hwnd,ecx
pop eax ;HandleOfDC
pop ecx ;AnotherDC
invoke SelectObject,ecx,eax
GetCompatibleBitmap endp