Welcome to madwizard.org! This website is dedicated to programming, graphics and electronics.
2016-02-14: WinUSBNet 1.0.2 released - Open source .NET class library that provides easy access to the WinUSB API from C#, VB.NET and other .NET languages
A few interesting projects (but not all!) are listed below. See also the programming and electronic project sections.
- USB phone charger on batteries
A new version of the portable phone charger powered by two AA batteries. This version has a USB connector and can deliver up to 1A at 5V. - Playing video from flash memory on Nokia LCD
LCD video player that plays raw video data from an old flash memory chip using a MAX II CPLD and a Nokia color LCD. - AVR mod player
Music player based on an AVR that can play mod files from a parallel flash memory. - Computer Graphics project: The Zoo
An OpenGL project made for a university project allowing the user to walk through a 3D zoo with some animated animals. The project involved a home made render engine including collision detection. - Digibrain version 2
A neural network demo program that can recognize characters written with the mouse. - PNGlib and PNGview
A free PNG library for use in your windows programs, as well as a free PNG viewer based on the same library.